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Reply to "Thoughts?"

1) If you haven't played baseball the last few summers, what have you been doing?


2) You are correct...invitations to camps are not recruiting.


3) I don't read much into your coach's positioning of you.  Most HS programs are rarely 2-3 players deep at positions so they will play guys at their "secondary" position to keep a quality guy there.  I don't know whether you fall into that category or not.  I also don't really subscribe to the "don't pitch your catcher" philosophy in HS because you usually only play 2 games per week.  Either way, from a recruiting standpoint, I don't think it matters.  College coaches aren't coming to HS games to "discover" kids as much as they are coming to validate their previous observations.  Given that you haven't played summer ball, they most likely haven't found you yet.  
