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Reply to "Thoughts on recruiting schedule?"

Ripken Fan posted:

IowaMom: In looking at the schedule, I am assuming that your son is a one sport athlete in HS. MUCH baseball activity in your design. I would agree with others that SAT/ACT prep should be factored in (and common app essay prep as well). Definitely need SOME down time (especially if a pitcher), however, December -February junior year (along with June following jr year) were key times in son's recruitment. Some of the December showcases had events with many coaches that went as "instructors" during quiet period.

His HS season ended early June, though with club team season June and July. Good luck and nice that he has a plan--you are ahead of the game.

He actualy plays basketball from about October to late February, although he woud like to not do that next year. I'm not convinced. He also works a part time job. Can't believe I forgot ACT/SAT. Thanks for the feedback.
