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Throw Until You're Tired?

Okay, I'm gathering opinions here from experienced HS age parents and coaches. We've not much of a pre-season workout program here at the HS ages, nothing other than what I as a parent organize when our snow country school has gym time available.

Honestly, the HS coach is one of those guys who says "he's a big strong kid and he's only playing HS baseball....he can throw 130 plus pitches every other week and be fine"....this without any sort of throwing program more than two weeks long prior to stepping up to the 130+ pitch rubber....the coach is very convincing to non-baseball parents and ski background faculty. I've posted about this before, seen the results and had had a lot of folks tell me "let the coach coach". I'm worried about my 10th grade pitcher who figures into his rotation this year as you might imagine. His older brother ruined his arm under the same guy about 4 years ago, not saying it was the coach's fault, but it was on his "watch" and I had previously trusted him to watch a kid. This is totally why I got involved in watching whats going on and I've learned quite a lot.

So...I'm thinking we need a pre-season throwing program, at least for pitchers and catchers, and we have some serious experienced talent in our small town. Last week we had a former AAA pitcher, with brothers in the "bigs" come to check out those working with me, the pitchers and catchers of our locale. One thing he said was "watch the mound work" as that's a break down exprience, but they can throw flat work as much as they want.

So, thinking about that, what do you think about a coaching policy where guys that have been throwing 2-3 days a week since November, all flat work, all limited to between 60 and 80 pitches (in 15-20 pitch increments, game simulation) per practice by me now being given the rope to "throw 'til they get tired or we run out of gym time"?

Thanks for responses
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