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Reply to "Thugs disguised as Professional Athletes"

RJM posted:

"However, there are MANY cases where the woman was the first to throw a plate at the guys head or physically attack him and the man is arrested for defending himself or phsycially touching her while trying to get away."

Been there, done that. My ex did everything possible to get me to hit her. When nothing worked she started wailing away on me. While holding her at bay with one arm I called 911. When the police arrived she showed them the marks on her arms. They were caused by me blocking shots while on the phone. She said she was afraid I was going to kill her.

The police told me they believed my story. But they could lose their jobs if they didn't permanently escort me out of the house. Her next trick was I couldn't see my kids for three weeks until I got a court order with visitation rights. Another guy might have snapped from what I endured for the next year.

There was a pitcher for the Angels (Chuck Finley) who was made fun of in the media because his wife (actress Tawny Kataen) clawed the crap out if him. He wouldn't swing back. He did the right thing. He was made fun of and called a pussy in the media for his wife beating him up.

Exactly RJM.  I have heard a variation of this MANY times.  I don't doubt that there are some sicko's out there that enjoy beating on women, BUT, taking in the entire situation would be helpful as opposed to there is a mark on her, let's get him. 

Unfortunately, the media typically only reports one side of the story.  However, I have heard that there is a trend that now the prosecutors don't have to wait to see if the victim wants to continue to press charges.  The prosecutors can continue on with the case against the celebrity with the state having the stance of "The State of XXXX has picked up the charges for attacking a citizen, we have the video of the victim, their statement, and pictures about doesn't matter that he/she has decided not to testify against you and dropped the charges, the state has picked them up."  I do hope that trend continues.
