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Reply to "Timing play"

Originally Posted by RPD:

Matt13 - thanks for taking the time to clarify this so thoroughly and clearly.  And thanks also to NewUmpire for the additional scenario -- which further illustrates what Matt13 was saying.


I was quite sure from the get-go that this was a time play.  What I didn't know was exactly when R1 (who left early) becomes officially OUT ... which Matt13 explained.  And that's really the key to the final ruling here.


What I find somewhat fascinating is that there are actually 4 distinct points in time that may or may not have any bearing on the outcome of a time or force play with an appeal: 

A.  the time at which the baserunning infraction occurred

B.  the time at which the fly ball was legally caught

C.  the time at which the runner crossed the plate

D.  the time at which the runner is called out after the appeal is made


As per Matt's explanation, "B" is the only one that applies to the OP.  But the existence of the other 3 could likely be the source of some on-field arguments by those who don't understand the rules a well as our umps on this site.


Thanks again.



Oh, yeah. I've seen many, many coaches try to argue that the appeal of leaving too early constitutes a force out.
