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Reply to "To our young Hsbaseballweb PLAYERS"

Great post!!!!

My favorite part:

Nothing makes us happier and more proud than to see his accomplishments at this point in his young life, to see all the hurdles he has gone over successfully to get where he is, and to see the even greater determination he has today to make it.

I keep saying it and saying it, over and over again, and some I'm sure think I am quite quirky ( no public comments allowed! ha!) ,... or perhaps some think I am " just an overly optimistic mom ",

but when you get right down to it,
its really quite simple:

Believe it and you can achieve it!

( No naysayers allowed!!! )

Scorekeeper, sometimes you must read between the lines and see the meaning beyond the literal written word. Think of it ( if Itsinthegame shall allow me to title it so ) as poetry.

Hope this helps.
Last edited by shortstopmom