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Reply to "Top "10" Excuses / Top "10" Reasons"

I am NOT saying that all coaches are moronic...the vast majority are smart, giving and fair people.

I initially agreed with the above statement, but then started thinking about ALL the coaches that I have known over the past 50 years through personal experience in baseball and have come to a totally different conclusion. This includes all levels from little league through professional(including a number of major league mgrs) and have actually come to the opposite conclusion. First of all, they were NOT moronic-some came close Big Grin-, but IMO the vast majority were NOT smart, giving and fair people. Some were fair, some were smart, some were giving, but the vast majority rarely had all three of those qualities. I believe it might be demeaning to coaches Like Coach May-who I feel has those qualities-to lump him in with the vast majority of coaches.

Some coaches were fair but didn't have a clue about the game.
Some were smart but extremely egotistical and didn't know what "fair" meant.
Some were giving but lacking in baseball intelligence.
Some were lacking in all three categories.

Rare is the coach who has all three qualities-I've known a few and and those few will always be special to me. Two of those coaches were Hal Smeltzley and Chuck Anderson of
Florida Southern College-both won a number of DII National Championships at different times there. Both had all three of those qualities and a "few" more. They don't come along that often.

Again, I do not claim to be the expert, just relating personal experience.

I agree that there are too many excuses given for not being successful when the answer
most of the time is in the mirror. Wink