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Reply to "Top Summer Programs in North Texas"

It aint so tough to say nice stuff about a coach when you got the best.

OKOKOK in all seriosness, with my very biased opinion, I would say


These answers are purely based on my personal experiences and reputation. The Tigers have a great reputation. The Mustangs do too, but it seems like their teams arent truly competitive until they are 15ish... when they become really good. DBAT hasn't been around as long, (as far as I know, I could definately be wrong) but the time they've been around, they've been really good. Marhsals have always been solid. I could make a case for the Panthers, Blackhawks, and Black Sox all to be in the 4 spot. I think the 4 teams I named are some of the more well known teams... which probably makes my answer not too accurate.