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Reply to "Torn Labrum and Stemcell Therapy"

Originally Posted by standballdad:

Okay decided to spin off a new topic from the one Lefthookdad started called "Fingers Crossed". Back ground, son is a 2016 catcher that had experienced shoulder pain back in late October 2015. We did the normal shut him down for a couple months and PT hoping by January it would get better. Come January pain is still there. Has him looked at by Ortho and the diagnosis was a torn Labrum. Scheduled and MRI (yesterday) should get the results back today. In the meantime have another appt scheduled for this Friday for a 2nd opinion. Started to research treatments for torn Labrums and Stem cell therapy came up. has anyone on this site had experience with this treatment or knows someone who has? Normal route is surgery, but if it's not that severe maybe alternative treatment?  

Bumping this hoping someone has some insight.
