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Reply to "Tourney Teams vs. Exposure Teams"

Its about getting kids who can already play exposure.  

Remember, different coaches want different things and have different preferences.  

So, if a team is in a tourney with a bunch of college coaches/recruiters watching and ahead 4-0 with a power pitcher on the mound that is mowing everyone down, the easy thing to do to get the win in the game is to leave the power arm up there and cruise to a victory.  Pulling the power arm and getting a kid a few innings who doesn't have the velocity but is control pitcher may very lose the game, but, it will give the coaches the opportunity to see another kid....and a different kind of player.  

If the teams objective is about getting players who can play exposure ect. then this serves the kids better.  

College coaches are looking for specific things....they need a catcher and a short stop for example....or they prefer tall power arms, or they want some left handed pitching....they come to games recruiting different things with different preferences.  They certainly don't care if the team they are watching wins the game or the tournament.  
