Yes, I thought it was worth the money. It was well run and there were a lot of good schools there that he could be interested in. The one he got the letter from was one of the two schools there that he was most interested in. I don't know if he had as much fun as he would have if things had gone differently in two ways: one, he didn't throw as well in his game Sunday as he wished, so he was really disappointed in that which put a damper on the day. Two, the schedule for Saturday was that the three pitching clinics he was interested in were the last things on the schedule for Saturday. Before that there were evaluations and skill sessions that he was not as interested in as a primary pitcher (60 yard dash, ground balls to shortstop for infielders, balls to outfielders, etc.). Unfortunately, just after the afternoon clinics were getting going, the weather turned stormy with lightning and they ended up postponing the clinics until after the Sunday games. He played the second game on Sunday and then would have had to wait until after the third game and then stay for the remainder of his pitching clinics. We could not afford to stay around for those, as we had a long drive home and he had his two biggest final exams on Monday that he needed to study for, so he missed the pitching clinics. Those would have made the Saturday more interesting, as it was hot and those were what he was most looking forward to on the first day. But he did meet some nice guys and got to talk to different players while waiting for various activities. He also got personal evaluations from two different coaches. He is also going to a four day camp in August where there will be a couple of schools in attendance that he has strong interest in, and I think this showcase was very good preparation for that. The main thing to look for is if there are schools in attendance that you would be happy to hear from if they are interested in you.