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Reply to "Transfer Portal"

@ABSORBER posted:

I've said it on this forum several times already. Obviously it's an individual decision. I'd keep the scholarship and see what happens. 

Cant blame a coach for trying though! Just because he asks doesn't mean you have to give in. If he offered (and you signed) for 50% just six months ago don't you think he thought you were worth it then? Of course he wants to maximize, who wouldn't? At 50% AND that's the school I want to attend, I'd take my chances.

As far as the P5 4-year scholarships are concerned: that's not a NCAA rule so I don't know how each school and conference will handle it. I'd be surprised if the $$ amount CAN'T be adjusted; that's between each school and the player. I'm no expert so perhaps someone else knows about P5 "adjustments" from year to year and can add some insight.

This just happened to my kid. I posted about it in another thread. I would link to that but not sure how. Anyway, he was asked to "release" himself from his NLI along with 6 other freshman. It's easy to say that the kid doesn't have to do it, but what's the other option? Keep the money and show up on a team that already told you they want to give your money to someone else and don't really value you? That would be fun for an 18 year old in a brand new place with no support system developed yet. So - he and all the others released themselves - fortunately we can afford to still send him to that school but others can't. It's a total bullshit situation and the NCAA turns a blind eye.
