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Reply to "Travel ball vs HS ball"

Originally Posted by baseballmomx4:

There has been a lot of talk about foregoing HS baseball for summer travel ball on this site. Whether because the school team isnt that good, or the coaching isnt great, etc.  I would like to share a wonderful phone call I just recieved from my son's varsity coach. It may be long. My son has been on varsity since freshman year.  The team has been pretty weak. Many games over the years have been hard to watch.  They have struggled to win a few games a year.  My son is the only one moving on to college ball.  Most kids don't even play travel ball.  The coach called today saying he wanted to call me because if it were his son he would like to hear this.  I am really glad he called.  He said my son came to him during winter workouts and asked if the other players were interested he would like to have some extra practices. The coach asked why and he said I think we can be better, and this is my senior year, an I don't want to go out this way. He said fine, whatever you want to try, go for it.  I noticed they seemed to be having a lot more practices but I didnt know why.  Apparently, my son started running little clinics. He would take kids he thought might be able to pitch and worked with them. Then did the same with infield and outfield. He has them there 2 hours before game time, hitting in the cages. The coach said this has been done all on his own. The coach admitted he had become complacent with the team. Figuring it is what it is and we would never be able to compete. He complimented my sons leadership skills and said he is the most competitve kid he's ever had.  Well season is half over and these kids are playing amazing compared to what they were. They all bought in and have been working their butts off and are having a blast.  My son has decided to have himself a season. Not only on the mound, but with the bat. Something to be said for having your NLI signed and playing with no stress. My son has had 3 articles in the newspaper, they beat the reigning state champs, have  a winning record, and are on the cusp of clinching a playoff spot for the 1st time in I think 15 years. (Hope I didn't jinx them ) Watching him play with his friends and watching him play with pure joy on his face this year is something I wouldn't trade for the world and I'm sure if you asked him, he wouldn't either.

Great story! You must be one proud mama! Best of luck to the team and to your son!
