Originally posted by voodoochile:quote:
Originally posted by KellerDad:
By the way,
for all of those that don't recognize what Voodoo posted as his own words.
They come from Michael Moore.
They are two of his 17 reasons not to slit your wrists.
That alone should make you want to ignore everything Voodoo has to say.
Well, actually two reasons. One, that he copy's and pastes Michael Moore, the lefts most favorite blovinator, thinking nobody would recognize it, and two, because he actually reads Michael Moore.
Voodo, why don't you spout some orignal garbage, instead of recycling Michael Moore's propoganda?
Pardon my mistake. I'm sure you never make any. I was in a hurry & I mistakenly attempted to cut & paste the picture from the site rather than post it using the URL & I didn't check it before leaving the site. Mea culpa.
Doesn't change the truth of what he said.
You are digging yourself deeper. In order for you to cut and paste that, you had to do it twice, as they are two different "reasons". It would be impossible for you to accidently have posted what you did.
And as far as putting "Truth" and "Michael Moore" in the same sentence.....puuuullllleeeeezeee.