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Reply to "Twas the nite before the election"

Why do you want to shut poor Blue Dog down now. The views he has posted are, IMO, truly representative of the portion of this nation that reelected W.

It is the religious right, spurred on by Carl Rove that put W over the top this time.

Rove is a genious (evil genious perhaps) and he orchestrated putting same *** marriage issues on the ballots in 11 states. That caused the religious right to get into the voter booths, which they might not have done. They didn't get out in 2000, so Rove figured this way to get 'em out there. Once in the voting booth to stop same *** marriage measures, they voted for W also.

this election became all of what Blue Dog refers to such as putting the 10 commandments in the courthouses.

the bush administration, through Rove, has fostered this religious component as critical to the election and we now have the 21st century of the crusades, Christians vs. Muslims, with oil, rather than spices at stake.

If you don't think this is serious and don't think it is already present, just by way of example, when W was governor of Texas he attempted to establish a state holiday known as Jesus Day in July. I guess he forgot we already had Christmas.

The Patriot act is another step to strip our freedoms. How did Nixon not think of that one? Read it, it is truly frightening. So if, as Blue Dog suggests, you get rid of groups such as the ACLU, make a few good judicial appointments and we've landed back in the middlge ages.

Presently, the administration has approved the distribution of brochures to National Parks that explains that the Grand Canyon was formed by the "Noah" flood. No biblical scholar worth anything would support that, assuming you'd ever bother to go past the clear scientific fact that the Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon. but this is where we are headed. If you don't think the plans to attack Iran are not already going into place, think again. the US is the modern day crusaders and marching through those muslim heathens is at the top of this administrations agenda. with oil and control of the european and pacific rim economies as the ultimate prize and the lives of 1000's of American kids as the "collateral damage".

You can do alot more to pursue an agenda when you invoke the power of religion behind it and that is what Mr. Rove, the republican party architect has done and is continuing to do.
It is how he got W elected in the first place as Governor of Texas.

For those of you who say to stop all this discussion and/or complacently accept the results, this is not about accepting the election results and just waiting to see what happens each clip of four years. Richard Nixon thought he was above the law and I think W thinks that same way and if you want to wait 4 years for that to play out, whoa.

I'm neither a democrat or republican. I believe in all our liberty and the constitution and respect for everyone's rights; and, those are every day issues, not issues to be addressed only each 4 years when the two major parties come out to engage in their idiocy and dreams of world domination. 4 years is a long time to "wait and see".
Last edited by HeyBatter