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Twenty-Two Million Big Ones:$22,000,000.00

We all know A-Rod's contract was just nutty, but that's history. Roger, good-guy, in Houston-to-be-with-my-family, future hall of famer, etc. wants $22,000,000.00, to pitch for Houston for one lousy season.

So if he wins 22 games, $1,000,000.00 per victory, if he starts 28 times, a bargain at $785,714.28 per start, if he starts 28 games (remember, he doesn't like to go out of town) and throws an average of 115 pitches per game, $6832.98 per pitch.....

I like the guy and I'm sure someone will post how great a fellow he is, but his request is pure unadulterated greed. Plain and simple. Greed. Just greed.

Did he hire Latrell Speakwell as his agent? Did I miss something?

If I was the Astros, since he's asking for the sun, the moon ,and the stars, I'd give him the moon, figuratively "Moss-speaking" of course.

26 days till pitchers and catchers (and bankers) report.
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