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Umpire thought...

I've been reading through the umpires thread and have come across this, or some form of this statement 10 times in my readings (slow day of watching playoffs/nfl)......

"Umpires are right, 95% of the time, get back to me when the players/managers can do their job right that % of the time"

That would be a great thought if their jobs WERE EVEN CLOSE to the same level of difficulty.

Calling balls/strikes when Tim Lincecum is pitching is very hard to do....hitting it is expodentially harder.....

I believe that umpires get it right AT LEAST 95% of the time, but out of those 95%, probably 80% are easy calls.

Not saying it's not an easy job or that they don't by and large do a very good job....but there is room for improvement and maybe if the umpires at the highest level of baseball (not the guys on this site) who have the means and the technology to improve their profession would acknowledge that instead of the same old rank and file....we could move forward.
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