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Hi folks, I'm just checking in here for the first time in a while.  I haven't posted here much, but I've read almost every post over the last ten years, and feel like I know all you guys.

Congrats to all who are still playing, and those who have been able to move on to bigger and better things. We have all learned a great deal through this little group.

My son is still playing - finishing up his 6th year and his second undergrad degree this spring. He's a LHP at a mid-level school in  NC. It has been an eventful journey since the days of eternal optimism when we began the recruiting process way back in high school. He has played at two schools and five different summer league teams, and made lifelong friendships all along the way. He is hoping for a good spring season and still holding out some hope for maybe a little more baseball, but he is also coming to the realization that there are other things in life, and that those things might actually be pretty dang rewarding as well.

He will earn his Aerospace Engineering degree, and has been applying for jobs in the industry as he finishes up his senior rocketry projects. He missed out on all the internships and summer networking available to the "regular" students, but the baseball experience is valuable in so many more ways.

The wife and I are planning to be at as many games as possible this spring.  I have places booked somewhere every weekend from mid-February through late May  :-)  We're all really looking forward to the last road trip of the season  --  his school plays in Boston, and we will also catch a couple Braves/Sox games at Fenway.

There have been many ups and downs, but thankfully he has been able to stay healthy and resilient, both physically and mentally. There were a couple difficult stretches where things were not going completely rosy, and it would have been easy to give up, but he stuck it out, and is now in a position where he has a great relationship with the coaching staff and can try to help to mold the younger guys to the traditions of the program.

I couldn't be a prouder Dad.  Thanks to everyone here for all of the support and guidance along the way.

Last edited by T_Thomas
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