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Upper Hamstring Strain

16 y/o son has been battling this upper hamstring strain since either late August or early September. I took him to PT for 3 weeks which he was cleared after a series of rigorous tests. Then shortly thereafter began complaining about some pain again and wants to go to a doctor.

Doc finally recommended in mid October an MRI which revealed the hamstring strain up where hamstring attaches to lower hip. Medical, but doctor will not order rest during 6th period PE (BB) class, although he said not to overdo it. Sam will not take it easy because he understands he has to work harder than anyone to make the team.

I take him to a Ortho Dr last week who said it will take 3 months to heal. However, Dr wants to write a note restricting all activity for 3 months, but gives in to Sam's urging and wrote a note for limited activity PE for 1 month.

Today, he said he has been lying about it not hurting as much as it has because he does not want the HC to think he is dogging it, but the pain is getting worse and he is in tears thinking he will not make team because he can't physically perform.

Question...has anyone else's son had a similiar injury, how did you get your kid to back off the activity and how long did it take to eventually heal?
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