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Reply to "Velocity vs. accuracy for young pitchers."

Originally posted by Swampboy:

I just looked up JH's stats. In high school, he threw 52.2 innings as a junior and 36 as a senior. It appears he threw on short rest one time as a junior.

In college, he threw 20.1 innings as a freshman, 38.1 as a soph, and 50.0 as a junior.

He blew out his UCL early in the summer after his junior year.

In light of these moderate workloads, please explain how you know "overuse" (using your definition which does not recognize early starts to pitching careers as a component of overuse) caused his injury. Please tell us your basis for contradicting the judgment of the world's most pre-eminent baseball orthopedist, who has actually examined JH in person and operated on him. What overuse are you referring to and how can you associate it with his injury?

Are you sure you're really a pitcher? Compared to a lot of guys I've seen, this looks like it might be an UNDER-USE injury. I think your UCL went bad because it rusted, got brittle, and then busted when you finally did wander out to the mound one day. Big Grin

Swampboy, I certainly cant soeak fir Josh. All I am going off of is what he stated about what his doctor told him- that it was many years of overuse. I dont know what leagues Josh all played in besides his hs and college leagues. I am sure he played more baseball than just the short high school and college seasobs. Ask Josh if you really want to know. I am just stating what he has already said- that his doctor said the injury occurred from many years of overuse. Usually ,overuse" means specifically "pitching too much".