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Reply to "Very important post"

Very sorry to hear about your son.

For what's it's worth, and I'm sure I'll be ridiculed for saying this, but the below photo may suggest what the root cause of the problem is...

- DK Photo

It's hard to say for sure, but in this photo it looks like he is starting to turn his shoulders before his arm is up and in the high cocked position. This is a pattern I have seen in many pitchers (e.g. Chris Carpenter and Robb Nen) who ultimately needed labrum surgery. I believe the problem is that it causes the humerus to externally rotate especially hard, which puts extra stress on the labrum (the structure that forms the socket of the shoulder joint).

I wouldn't be satisfied if they just tried to rest it. Instead, you might want to consider having him go to an MD and have them take an MRI of this part of his shoulder.