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Reply to "Villanova"

Terrible’s son did the Atlantic 100 showcase there. The porta potties have been there for thirty years. Nothing about the facilities has changed in thirty years. Nothing about losing a lot more than winning has changed in thirty years. They’ve mostly been a Big East bottom feeder sometimes qualifying for a last conference playoff seed.

It’s a quality education. They don’t offer a lot of money. They’re proud to brag the parents of the students are wealthy enough to send their kids there. The students are proud to carry the attitude. It’s why the school has a reputation of snobby and preppy.

Neither of my kids did a visit for baseball or softball.

Here’s where I got my personal impression of Villanova. It’s on The Main Line. Its a stuffy, well to do area. After divorce I started dating a woman from the area. Her family was generational money. They look down at people who don’t live there. When her friends and she found out where I lived they referred to it as The Catholic Mainline. They defined it as where the kids of blue collar Roxborough  families who made successes of themselves moved to. They called it new money without class. I didn’t think these Main Line people had much class. When I broke up with the woman I told her I respect people more who make their own money than live off their family’s reputation and wealth.

I don’t think I’m going to be offered a job in student recruitment at Villanova anytime soon.
