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Reply to "Well, this isn't good for this young man"


Here is a portion of CPLZ's first post in this thread...
    "We'll have to see how it unravels."

This is really all we can do. We should pay attention as to how this case unravels because we should use it as an example to teach our own kids.

Regardless of our moral stance on what has been reported I know all of us have one major thing in common...keeping our kids out of trouble.

We don't know what the outcome is going to be so we will have to wait to tailor our opportunity to teach both our sons and daughters to avoid getting tangled up in a mess like this.

It is a sad situation. As RJM posted concerning the Duke lacrosse team, there likely will be no winners regardless of the truth of the matter. All the more reason for our kids to learn how to avoid getting caught up in something similar.

Last edited by gotwood4sale