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Reply to "What age start weighted baseballs?"

I'll get back when I have more time, but off the top of my head Skaggs, giolito, schlereth, Bailey, all had TJ. 

No research from my end on correlation and causation. 

S loved the way his arm felt (and I'm a believer of "if it feels good, it's good"). But one of the college guys where he throws did a research paper (now a data guy for a team) which noted that the number of tjs present on the list was large.

With no way to drill deeper into causation, into who was really a jaeger zealot (my S was) on that list (as opposed to a quick hitter), on who had a damaged arm before entering the program, etc., he felt (through conversations with his PC (cause I had nothing to say), that he could get what he needed without the need to throw so far (though it was a nice circus act).

Like everything also involved in arm strength and picking up velo, research is sparse, correlation and causation issues are iffy, and anecdotal evidence is really what remains. 

Im not for or against any method; and those selling the fairy dust (and we were buyers of various types) all speak well of their methods. It's all a crap shoot.

I guess my point was, there is no true single path to reaching potential. Looking backwards, it was a lot of trial and error; and a healthy dose of luck.

Last edited by Goosegg