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Reply to "What are my chances?"

you can work 24/7 and still have many pass you by, because if you lack the ability, no amount of muscle or weight, height is going to change that.

Now theres a thought.

I can't remember any ball player that played on my son's elite teams ever not work their tails off. Some were successful but many weren't.
I saw more players who just didn't get noticed for their skill set that the physical side of things. You can rip the cover off a BB but you have to hit it 1st.
Working hard is not an option and it is not a gaurentee. Being a physically developed guy with taent may set you above others but that depends on how talented the others are.

I think most parents get it. Some parents may get too wrapped up in what their son's responsibility is. It is not us out there sweating and grinding year after year to reach their goal. As has been said many times it is up to us to guide them but it has to be their desire and talent.