when mine began playing in 1rst grade the plan was to minimize game pressure by critiquing only "skills exection" and not focusing at all on game results - ie - win/loss or stats
the thought was if the kids would just focus on executing the skills they had been taught & practiced, the win/loss thing would work itself out without them thinking about it - then later winning could take priority when they got older
after all somtimes a 4 for 4 could be the result of hitting poor pitches badly & an 0 for 4 could be "ropes" right at a guy
well the win/loss stuff really worked out very well, plus it also led to years of technical post game discussions, and very few "emotional arguments" - and - "we" never did turn the focus to winning, but kept it on "execution/evaluation of skills"
he's now a jr in college and comments or questions regarding the game are still technical - regarding "skills eval/exec", tho occasionally a bit of support thrown in if needed - - -
after which the 75 cent ice cream cone has been replaced by replaced by a more substantial (& costly) meal & treat