Well Im not saying that the way I handle it is right and other peoples way is wrong. Kids are different and so are parents. But this is the way I have always felt about it. I don't need you when everything is going great. But I sure do when its not. When my son has a great game or just a good game I tell him he played great and I am proud of his effort and to keep working. When he has a bad game either an error or 0-4 I handle it like this. I give him his space after the game and let him sort things out in his head. Then when I get the chance I tell him "Hey did you play as hard as you could"? "OK then you will be allright son". "Baseball is a game of highs and lows". "How you handle the lows will determine how many highs you have". "Your a heck of a player never doubt that for one minute". "Go back out there tomorrow and work your butt off and keep believeing in yourself because I always will". "Your only as good as your next at bat and you will be fine". Then I take him somewhere to eat because that always makes him feel better.