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Reply to "What do you think about SPARQ trying to get rid of the 60?"

SPARQ is a nice tool for rating football players where raw athletic ability tends to overshadow skill, because the skills can usually be taught. It is close to a waste of time in rating baseball players where skill tends to overshadow raw ability. Ask Michael Jordan. Don't you think he'd have set records in SPARQ testing? The main thing SPARQ seems to be able to predict is if a baseball player also plays football.

If you want to see if someone has a strong arm - use a radar gun.

If you want to see if someone can hit or hit with power - watch them hit.

If you want to see if someone can track down fly balls - watch them take fly balls.

If you want to see if someone can run the bases - watch them run the bases.

If you want to know if someone has range on grounders - watch them take grounders.

If you want to know if someone has raw speed then time them in the 40 or 60 or whatever you feel like. Speed is important in baseball but you have to see how well it is applied to baseball. One of the best base stealers ever, according to Sports Illustrated, never made it to the big leagues. He couldn't hit.

The rest of the SPARQ measurements mean virtually nothing when it comes to baseball and they've been running the 60 at showcases since the beginning of time. Someone is just pushing it to make money.

It is nice to be able to identify players with speed for middle infielders, centerfielders and some corner outfielders, but it doesn't mean much for the rest of the players. Pitchers and catchers usually make up more than half of a big league roster. 1st basemen don't need to be that fast, 3rd basemen don't have to be blazingly fast if they can hit and one of the corner outfielders usually isn't very fast, but can hit and/or has a strong arm. In the American League a spot on the roster is reserved for a DH who doesn't need speed and in the NL one spot is usually reserved for a pinch hitter who doesn't need speed.
Last edited by CADad