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Reply to "What implications for college baseball?"

First I am not nor never will be in the camp of paying.If the post about the rule chande is correct how can anyone argue the point of "their getting a free education"?Sounds like they get one year free education depending.How would any of us like to be in a situation like that.Forget the paying.Lets say a honest person were to show up at your house to talk with one of your own.This honest person tells you and your child we would like you to attend our university But,depending on how things go we will reevaluate our universities committmint to your child  on a year to year basis.Wouldn't most of us treat the person nice then hope you never see them again after they leave?I can still remember the first time I realized how screwed up/corrupt the ncaa really is.Back when northwestern made their first run at having a good football team(the year usc blew them out in rose bowl)They had a very good "college" running back.There was a huge uproar over that kid getting a part in some 'B" movie and it being a PAID deal.Nothing to do with football.His major was in the dept. that many,many famous actors have graduated from.(Forget the exact name of dept. I don't think its NW world famous journalism school but maybe) The point is this kid was involved with his major had made a couple of bucks from it and now the ncaa says that by doing that he is now not a amature anymore.If our kids play a sport where money could be involved but need 3-4 years of maturing getting better before theres any money theres no other place to go but a college.Yes its the percentages are small with those playing after college.But if things were looked into I would bet the % of the kids getting the shaft are higher than most of us realize.I don't know how many of you have heard of ed ? bannoin(probably not spelled rite) he went to ucla I am pretty sure they won a championship in basketball.He had a average or slightly less time spent in the nba.He had retired and was settling into life.He buys a ncaa game cartridge for nephew bday.They start playing his nephew tells him hey your on here (ucla team) now this guy been out of school for over ten years.We should all have a problem with this type of behavior.
