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Reply to "What to look for in a strength and speed coach?"

Well we met with the trainer feel pretty good about him. There was squat rack along with many other pieces of equipment some I don't recognize. There were some other HS baseball players in at the time we were there. They really seemed to by into the program. They knew what they were supposed to be doing and were doing it.
He took some measurements and ran him throw some tests. Based on what he saw that he could get my son under 7 sec in the 60 in very short order. He took measuremnents stretching his hips, hamstrings, and ankles. My son's legs are uneven and tight. With some work stretching out those muscles and proper warm ups and technique he should improve almost instantly. He's still going to work on everything else to improve all areas of course.

It sounds good to me but does that make sense?
Is it possible that stretching out the muscles would improve his time that quickly?