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Reply to "What worked for you?"

What didn't work:
1. Playing HS golf (fall sport in VA) was killer for my son as he hit pretty bad in the fall showcases before his junior and senior years.

2. Legion team success cost him a spot at a prime PG regional event before his senior year...(but he would not trade the legion regional tournament for anything).

3. Blue-Grey event...the timing was all wrong as son was TOAST after catching all summer and just finishing the legion regionals...and it was over 100 degrees at Coastal Carolina for that event.

All that being said...he is where he FITS...and where he enjoys. If he could go back, he probably would NOT change a thing, as he enjoyed golf. My point is this...if a player is a borderline D1 prospect...and D1 is his goal...I think baseball and working to make himself bigger, faster, and stronger should be paramount.

If I could go back and "run things" as a helicopter parent:
1. No golf...focus on baseball and conditioning.
2. Hire a strength coach (physical size was an issue...but he did not have the time. Now he is 6' and pushing 200 lbs).
3. Time the showcases better so that he would be in TOP SHAPE and be better prepared. This MAY have involved not playing legion before his junior year.

Listen, everyone has personal decisions to make. I will not be critical of anyone who chooses to play with a local team or decide to spend the money to showcase. We've all INVESTED in our sons' sports all their lives...and for us...the showcases and events he DID attend, were pretty much money down the drain...but were still FAMILY TIME...and created memories. Just like any investment we make...some work...some don't. Sorry to have rambled.