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What would the numbers look like if there were no Ks?

I was wondering what the numbers would look like if there were no Ks so I worked on creating an example using real data from our last season’s HSV team.

 Although this doesn’t cover “every metric having to do with runs”, I’m pretty sure you’ll get the gist of it. Please see attachment.

 It’s really simple. I computed the percentage of BIPs using hits, ROEs, and ROFCs. Then assuming if there were no Ks every K would have been a BIP, I computed the additional number of each using the percentage of BIPs each was.

 I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m pretty sure our HC would love to have had 64 more runners last season with 47 of them being hits, even if they were only infield scratch hits.

Of course doing away with all Ks is a ridiculous thought, but cutting them down sure looks like it might be a pretty good thing.



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