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Reply to "What's Wrong With Youth Sports Today? The Adults!"

Sorry folks I don't see it the same way! Parents (adults) make youth sports happen. Parents put in hours and hours of long work so kids can play. Parents are passing down a tradition to their children. It is a learning process. From a kid’s point of view they probably would like to do everything to their own way. They would want to eat pop tarts for breakfast, French fries for lunch and pizza for dinner. My son liked to cut the grass. Let me explain…he didn’t really like to cut grass, he liked to ride the mower. When I gave him directions on how it was supposed to be cut he no longer wanted to do it. I taught him the proper way to do it and suddenly he could look back and see his accomplishment. Then he felt good about cutting grass. There is a time to goof off and just be a kid and there is a time to respect the game and play it the way it is supposed to be played. I agree with not keeping score at a young age and allowing all kids the ability to play defense and to bat, but there comes a time when kids need to be taught the correct way to cut the grass and play the sport. The only reason issues of this nature become headlines is because of some isolated instance and media people want to stir the pot and sell papers! I ain’t buying it!

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.