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when an offer isn't really one

Going to vent a bit, 2014 as 2 offers to D1's. One he has had for about a month as a preferred walk on- guaranteed spot. He likes the school but hesitant because of no athletic money. He knows of 2 other RHP offered that haven't accepted to anywhere as of yet. Yet tehy have told him they have no more money for 2014. There is a long topic on just this subject right now on here. They told him to take his time. 3 weeks ago he went to a camp at another D1 and threw very well. They called him that night, ask for transcripts etc. They called and emailed very consistently. He really likes the school. Great fit academically. 10 days ago they made him an athletic offer, it is right on the border of our state but still out of state. Academic money was very nice as well. With both of these it was very affordable which made us thrilled. When they contacted him with offer, they said although this was the offer, they always make them officially on campus. They gave him 2 dates - today and tomorrow. We chose tomorrow simply because it fit my schedule better. He had never seen campus itself (basbeall is just off campus and we went in back way when we went to camp). But he fully intended to committ tomorrow unless he hated campus.


On last Thursday he got an email to call coach, he tried 3 times. On Friday while he was at HS he got another email (he doesn't have smart phone so can't see emails until he gets home), coach said he knew 2014 had tried to calls several times but he really needed to talk to him. So he called when he saw email. Coach said 2 RHP (which he is) had commited day before and so athletic money was no longer available, but he was next onlist and they still wanted him to come play for them and still wanted him to come Tuesday. He was heart broke, but said he understood. He knows we can't afford there without athletic money, but mostly he felt betrayed. He called them yesterday adn said we weren't coming tomorrow, we simply couldn't afford it without the offered athletic money 


If he had known that he had to committ, he would have but they had told him to wait until Tuesday (tomorrow).


I guess the lesson he learned is look out for yourself, obviously coaches are. I would guess in next day or 2 he will commit to the walk on spot for fear of losing that as well. We won't be telling anyone except that coach. If he gets offered a better fit with money, he might take it. I believe in committment, but this has proven to be like snake oil salesmen to date.  

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