I also agree tough story, and reality is this is recruiting reality. This happens all of the time.
Don't have your son take an offer just to take one, he has time, he doesn't have to sign or commit in the early signing period.
Your son was a B or C recruit to this coach, he had most likely given the others an ultimatum and this is the result. Just remember that they do this hundreds of times and some of us once or twice.
TPM, I get conflicting information on there is time. I keep being told the money is gone or almost gone, then I keep being told there is time. I do know a couple of his friends that are a year older that signed in mid spring to play at a D1, but very few. If you are talking about D2 and 3, yes there is time. But I am not sure about D1. Any insight would be great.
He might be a D2/3 player. He keeps being told he is definitlely D1 pitcher by prospect camps, etc (RHP sits 84-88, has hit 90 several times, up to 93 once that I know of. these are all documented by somebody else, not a Dad mph ). So we (he and his Dad- me) are confused.