Guess I wasn't clear, we had seen the school grounds just not the inter workings of it. That is what was supposed to happen today. We had talked to several students that go there (they work for me and I connected he and them) about student life etc. We had done the research on his major etc.
I guess from a house point of view we had been by it and really liked it. Today was the day we got to see it inside and talk about the financial part in detail. If he liked what he saw, we would have made "accepted" the offer to buy. Then, of course, we would go thru the process of inspections "getting admitted to the university".All of it was pending on today. No worries on that now though.
He/we has visited I think 7 colleges since beginning of summer, Those that showed interest and some he was just interested in. To be honest they weren't much more seeing the grounds and talking to a few people, much like the above college. This college came on fast because of camp which they asked to him to attend. Maybe it should have been on his radar but since it was out of state, he hadn't really looked at it closely.
I agree about seeing some more coleges this fall. Just trying to narrow down the choices to viable candidates. Those that we thought were and visited (except the one with roster spot offer) seem to not be choices anymore