I know personally that a DI would work better financially for our family.My 2014 LHP
could go to an in state school for 4 years with what we have saved in his college fund.
He could get in based on grades and ACT -we are proud of our B student that has LD's and ADHD .Baseball wise he is not D1 material.
Unfortunately DIII schools and NAIA's are Liberal Arts. The majors all require extensive writing which is my son's deficit.One school we visited talked about in addition to classes they have guest speakers. Which is great but the students are required to write reflections!Easy for some-but not my son.His twin sister who excels
at writing and everything else is applying to liberal arts colleges for pre-optometry.
She is expected to get tons of academic merit money.My son though a hardworking LD
B student would get none based on ACT score of 19.Most liberal arts give merit for 22 or higher.He is retaking ACT this weekend.
There in lies the difference.
My son also needs a hands-on degree , industrial technology which DI schools offer
as do JUCOs.We did found one out of state DIII(that does reciprocal tution)that offers
industrial technology.He has applied there based on academic program,location,and
the possibility he could maybe play ball there if we contact coach or he tryouts next fall.