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When to report a coach?

Last night we had a high school league game 16U. It was a good game the lead went back and forth until the 5th inning and then our boys really starting hitting. We got up by 7 runs. During the bottom of the 7th inning with two outs they had a ball shallow hit to center should have been an easy play to end the game but,our center fielder and short stop a hard collision that knocked the center fielder down flat on his back and he was seeing stars. Our coach ran out to aid him. He laid there motionless for a few minutes. Then the opposing team coach yells from his dugout- "if he's hurt get him off the field we are loosing daylight". The kid is still laid out motionless. The kids brother responded to the coach by yelling at him to look out there the kid, he's my brother & he's hurt & to back off. The Coach then yells at the ump to throw him out! throw him out! throw out that person yelling at him. The umpire turned to the coach and said "you are out of line return to you dugout" & then turned to our asst coach and said please control you fans. The player got up, refused to leave the field & we made the last out to end the game. Our boys were class acts as they went throw the line at the end of the game. That coach was heard yelling at his boys after the game just go home get out of here. Wow really is all I could say. Now this morning it is still really annoying me- so I ask when do you, as a parent, report behavior of an opposing coach or should it be left up to the parents of the hurt boy or our coach?
"A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." ~Humphrey Bogart
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