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Reply to "When to report a coach?"

Originally posted by Lefty34:

Wow - really - wraggarm are you related to this coach?

Woops. Didn't know I hooked into a real Mom on this. That's what I get. You don't deserve to be ridiculed for any reason - you're a baseball Mom - and after all, you're just doing your job in considering whether to lash out in protection of those baby cubs.

I do stand by my sentiment, however. My kid would NEVER see me (or his Mother) reporting on any of those priceless few a*******s who were put on this earth to teach our son's how to deal with true indignant hostility. No, I don't know this coach. Probably would hate him. But I'd put my ball player on the field against him any day.

Look, its wonderful that your boys were class acts and shook hands and all - I think that's just great. But in the car on the way home, *honestly*, which conversation did you and the boy have:

Was it ...

A. (Mommy) "There's no excuse for that coach's behavior. I'm so proud of how you boys handled youselves - you boys were a class act. Who can we report that guy to in order to get him kicked out of this league so that nobody else has to be subjected to that again?!!!"



B. (Dad) "Great game, kid"
(Mommy) "Yeah, nice hit to right"
(Kid) "I can't wait to play against that coach again..."


I'm not saying which is better, I'm just saying I believe in (B).