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Reply to "When Your Son Decided To Stop Playing"

@RJM posted:

I disagree with your perspective. You seem to believe if a player doesn’t go pro there’s failure and emotional pain. I remember sitting in my uniform after having lost a regional final. At that time the next step was the CWS. I was disappointed we didn’t get to the CWS. I knew when I took my uniform off it was the last time. But it  crossed my mind getting dressed for the game either win or it’s over. Several of us went out for beers that night and talked about the game. For me the next Monday was time to start interviewing for jobs. I had chosen not to sign as an insanely late draft pick (draft was sixty rounds then)

I saw my daughter cry once playing. When her high school team was eliminated from states senior year it wasn’t losing that crushed her. It was playing with five teammates since 12u when they were eleven was over as they went their separate ways for college ball.

My son made a decision not to sign after his red shirt soph (academically graduating) year. When informed he was going to be drafted late he didn’t stop playing. He played two more years to play while getting his MBA. He never saw himself as playing college ball to become a pro. He saw the possibility of becoming a pro part of the process of playing college ball. He didn’t play to receive money towards his MBA. I would have paid for it. He played because he loved playing the game.

You haven’t taken into account how many college athletes there are who put in the same effort as baseball players knowing other than Team USA there isn’t a viable athletic option after college. They put in the effort getting to that college sport and continuing to play in college for nothing more than the love of competition and that sport.

D3 players certainly aren’t playing to become professional baseball players. It’s about love of the game. If a player at any level doesn’t love the game they’re not going to become a successful pro player.

I concur.  My youngest tore his ACL before his jr. year in HS.  One his instagram the day after surgery he posted "today I lost my best friend, but I'll find them again soon".  He's went on to JC, and now at a D1 and he has told me "it's the friendships" over a similar goal (being the best team (mate)) that you could be that I'll miss the most.
