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Reply to "Where is the interest?"

BlueDevilDad - I realize some folks with disagree with me and I'm certainly not making an argument for students to not keep their grades up. However, I found during the recruiting process with my son that ability and need far outweighed the grades. My son had teammates with much better grades that didn't get a look because they didn't have the ability. All I'm trying to say, is don't count on his grades getting him a baseball scholarship. I think great grades are icing on the cake for coaches, but if they don't have an interest in him as a player for whatever reason, they could care less.

It sounds like your son really needs to get proactive and contact some schools/coaches himself. See what they have to say. Are there scouts in your area that know your son that might be able to provide advice on a fit or make suggestions, or perhaps even recommend him to a program? I think your son may have to work a bit harder to know if he'll have any opportunities. Good luck!