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Reply to "Where is the interest?"


Exactly. That should have been my overall intent of this thread. Although we are occasionally reminded otherwise on this site, it is hard not to believe that everyone else is getting swamped with mail and phone calls. Based on some of the responses already, it is apparent that there are many players out there, who have some talent, took care of academics, went to showcases, played on travel teams and sent out letters and bios without much interest in return. Yes, most players would like to get DI interest, but we are talking little to no interest from any level. Good point made about ego - The right place in the end is the only one that will count.

The suggestions are good. I think it may be early for the less than top prospect. Targeting the right schools, applying to schools with good academic fits and making a determination of what my son wants from college are all important steps in the process. Also important is how does he rank playing baseball, academics, social, school setting, etc.? I think he will try to get a handle on that soon.

Based on many of the responses I thought of this analogy. I had little expectation of being swamped with phone calls and letters offering me jobs when I began to look for a career. I had to look for the right fits and make contacts. There were many “hot leads” that resulted in no response. However, I have found some right fits over the years that provided the things that are important to me in terms of a career.