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Reply to "Where is the Northeast???.. Not on the Road to Omaha"


Agreed, and thank you. I was thinking about this when I saw the draws on Sunday. I'm not for expanding the tournament, but I do think the NCAA needs to try a Northeast host team such as the Big East winner. To answer your question about competing with southern teams....that is going to be very difficult due to early spring weather and northrn teams travelling to play host southern teams. The weather situation is certainly not equitable but nobody said life is fair. I see this as an opportiunity for the NCAA to level that playing field somewhat and let a northeast team host some southern teams, and let the fur fly.


How do you know the Northeast will not draw until the NCAA tries it? You have several large cities and many alumni that will be chomping at the bit. Between St Johns, CT, and Seton Hall you could draw a large sustainable doubt. Yes, there are some population centers up in the northeast and they do follow baseball. NCAA needs to give them a chance.


Yes the weather was brutal this year. My son got off of an 8 hour bus ride from upstate NY to central Virginia in early March for their opening series at UVA. He didn't say "hi mom & dad" as he got off the bus.... he said, "so that is what grass looks like". Wink
Last edited by fenwaysouth