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Reply to "Where to go from here"

@CabbageDad, that video is beyond ridiculous!  My list was more stream of consciousness typing on my part and not so much the order in which we discussed the commitments or the words I used with him. The order was more like 5, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3.


And while the "parents time" point might have seemed like a complaint, it isn't at all. I love all the running around and spending time with him.  But there are consequences -- the family gets split into two camps often, complicated work schedules have to be juggled by both parents, little sibling has less opportunities, we have less family time, fewer family dinners, etc. 


I get what you're saying, however I needed him to understand the realities of what it means for our family -- not just him -- to play at that level. He's always talked about big dreams and we always support that, but he is still a kid and interests can wane.  


I really want to be sure he's doing this b/c HE wants to and not b/c he thinks WE want him to. I also wanted to be sure I wasn't making assumptions about what he wants for himself.  It wouldn't have been right to take the next step without making sure I wasn't pushing him in a direction he didn't want to go anymore.  And yet, he's at an age where he does need a little pushing at times.  


The kid clearly understands and appreciates the lengths we'll go thru to support him. I won't go into details,but I'm confident in that.  
