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Reply to "Why are private schools not allowed to participate in the state tournament??"

I am not sure if the all the MIAA teams would want to participate.This would finally show everyone that there is not that big of a gap between the Publics and Privates. A number of the top Public Schools(TJ, Severna Park, CM Wright, Fallston and South Carroll) had wins over MIAA schools last year. I think there were others as well.

2009 mock match ups would look like this ;

2009 4A (Severna Park)v. A (Calvert Hall)
2009 3A (Frederick) v. B(Friends)
2009 2A (River Hill)v. B(Baltimore Luthern)
2009 1A (Bohemia Manor) C(Towson Catholic)

The edge goes to the Public School State Champion in each match-up. SP and CH would be close.The difference would be the the future MD Terps on SP.