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Reply to "Why play in college ?"

Under that same logic - if you are facing long odds of playing in the pros - why play High School baseball? Odds of a scholarship to college are extremely long, chances of making the pros even longer.

The answer - and I know you said "not because you love the game" but it has to be about the love of the game and all that surrounds it - with the joy of being on a team, the chance to see how good you really are, the sense of accomplishment when you break through to the next level. High school to college transition is just more of the same - but harder Smile

Fundementally in addition to the items listed previously, it is about determining how good you really are - and attempting to stretch to your maximum

Besides - many players grow and change well into their college years - yes it is a long shot - but why assume that baseball will be over after college before you even play college ball.