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Reply to "Will scouts frown upon my batting stance?"

Originally Posted by Swampboy:
Originally Posted by Smokey123:
Originally Posted by floridafan:

Scouts do not like dead bat swingers. If your bat is still it takes too long for it to get going once you begin to face better pitching. Work on developing a slow rhythm to get your timing down.

If you bring your bat to a stop you will get beat by good pitching.

Thanks for the info, but I don't understand how having a dead bat slows me down, shouldn't it be the quickest way because if I was moving my hands all around, waving the bat, I would have to pull back into hitting position then swing. But with the still bat I don't have to pull back into hitting position and can just swing.

Ever play that quick reflex hand slapping game where one player holds his hands with his palms up, his partner rests his hands on top of them and the first player tries to slap the other guys hands before he moves them?  Regardless of whether you are on top or bottom, your movements are quicker if there is a slight jangle in your hands than if the hands are held stock still.


Same principle applies to boxing, basketball, hitting, and every other sport that requires sudden speed.  Getting acceleration from a dead stop takes longer.

yeah but for some reason when I wiggle the bat around it messes up my swing
