I would guess that my son spends at least 20% of the hours he's awake, each day, and probably more, doing something baseball training related or in the gym. That's outside of game days where the number goes up much higher.
I would also guess that time, even at minimum wage, or thereabouts, is worth about $15k a year in gross earnings. That's a bottom line estimate.
That's not a king's ransom but it's sure better having, than not having, especially when you're in your 20's, have a car, a girlfriend and the appetite that comes with having a 20 year old's metabolism. This doesn't even mention college costs.
There's definitely a financial sacrifice for the college baseball player. Maybe it doesn't matter to the kid whose parents have a combined gross income of $400K or more? But, for the middle class kid, or those below that line, it's real.