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Reply to "Working College Baseball Players"

@Francis7 posted:

I would guess that my son spends at least 20% of the hours he's awake, each day, and probably more, doing something baseball training related or in the gym. That's outside of game days where the number goes up much higher.

I would also guess that time, even at minimum wage, or thereabouts, is worth about $15k a year in gross earnings. That's a bottom line estimate.

That's not a king's ransom but it's sure better having, than not having, especially when you're in your 20's, have a car, a girlfriend and the appetite that comes with having a 20 year old's metabolism. This doesn't even mention college costs.

There's definitely a financial sacrifice for the college baseball player. Maybe it doesn't matter to the kid whose parents have a combined gross income of $400K or more? But, for the middle class kid, or those below that line, it's real.

Challenges at younger ages can make for mentally stronger adults. I’ve had friends who thought I never had a tough day in my life. I told them never be fooled by appearances. There can be a lot of hell going on behind the door of the big brick house with two luxury cars in the driveway. I learned everything is survivable if you tell yourself you can make it and never stop looking for solutions.

Looking back I have a sense of humor about it. I tell friends I used the George Costanza theory to raise my kids. If everything my parents did was wrong, do the opposite.

I can understand how a kid not having money at certain ages can feel. But there are far worse things that can happen. There are far worse things that can happen than what I dealt with.
