Went home for lunch and briefly listened to some Will Cain. ..heard some interesting, albeit slanted, takes on one aspect of the effect of the cheating via an interview with Plaschke.
His viewpoint was that without the cheating, the Dodgers would have won that series in six. What was interesting is his further delving into the impact... Some examples - Yu Darvish was basically run out of LA after failing in the series after having been very successful otherwise during the season. Kershaw's image/reputation as having failed on the big stage may have been reversed with success in that series. Dave Roberts would be seen in an entirely different light with a WS title under his belt. The Dodgers' overall fortunes, player and personnel salary and opportunities likely affected long term as Series Champs always carries considerable resume weight as well as the direct compensation, etc., etc. As he was talking through it, there was almost a "Back to the Future" feel.
One could certainly carry this argument further downstream.